Don't mess with this mummy.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I want to take the time to say Happy Thanksgiving to the americans, even though our was  in Oct, I respect all holidays.  That being said I am so sick of holidays interrupting tv schedules, yes I know this is bad of me, but it help me chillat the end of a day, so holidays thowing it off really sucks.  Also my hubby get really crabby when they eff with the tv schedules too.  Yes I know we are two peas in a pod.

On another note I am so frustrated with my MIL, ever since we left she has been such cunt, excuse my french.  I don't like to call people that but thst is the way she has been acting.  We try and be nice but we also want to give her her space and leave her be but if we don't call we are the bad people.  Soooooo that being said I am frustrated and tired.  I wish I could sleep more but going to bed when she goes to bed seems silly.

Anyhoo things come and go as life does, meanwhile it's time for her bath.

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